DataTherm Veterinary Temperature Monitor

    The DataTherm Vet continuously monitors a patient?s body temperature and features a real time temperature display, updated every 4 seconds. A range of 62.6F to 113F temperatures makes it applicable for most species including exotics. Features include; programmable high and low alarms, dual scale Fahrenheit or Celsius, memory recall for up to 70 readings, and flexible 2mm diameter x one meter long rectal probe with 25 covers( core temp). Weighing less than 2 ounces and battery operated, it is lightweight, portable and easy to use. Ideal for surgery, recovery, and intensive care. One year warranty. ( 6000 Hour battery included)

    DTV DataTherm Veterinary Temperature Monitor $289.00

    Digital Compact Highly Accurate Portable Thermometer

    • Range: -40oF to 300oF (-40oC to 150oC)
    • Overall accuracy: ? 0.2oF or ? 0.5% of reading
    • One year warranty

    Price includes probe, charger, rechargeable battery and carrying case. Rechargeable Nicad Battery. 120 VAC

    PS-TC-100A Digital Compact rechargeable Thermometer $249.75
    PS-TM-99A Standard 9V battery non-rechargeable model $229.00


    GasVak Multi-Station Gas Scavenger System

    This active scavenger unit removes waste anesthetic gases from the pop-off valve on anesthetic machines or from the end of a non-rebreathing circuit. Atmospheric equalizers adapt each anesthesia machine to an evacuation hose which can be routed to either a ceiling or wall outlet w/balancing valve. The waste gas is then vented outside the clinic via 1 ½” or 2″ PVC pipe and a vacuum fan. An additional balancing valve and atmospheric equalizer is required for each additional anesthesia location.

    Model J-302 Two-station GasVak Unit
    (Includes two ceiling balancing valves & two atmospheric equalizers)
    Model J-302D2 Ceiling Outlet w/Balancing Valve $214.00
    Model J-302D2W Wall Outlet w/Balancing Valve $317.00
    Model J-302D1 Atmospheric Equalizer (attaches to anesthesia machine) $288.00

    Mouse and Rat Intubation Packs

    For use in conjunction with anesthesia intubation with the Rodent WorkStand. Each pack is designed to hold all the tools and supplies needed to perform quick, efficient and minimally traumatic orotracheal intubation of small rodents. The Intubation Packs come with a specially designed and molded, autoclavable intubation speculum, a lidocaine applicator, an endotracheal tube guide wire, an incisor loop and a brief video tutorial of how to perform the intubations. In addition the Rat Pack contains scissors, umbilical tape, and a mirror for the verification of tracheal intubation and the Mouse pack includes two sizes of mouse endotracheal tubes. Packaged neatly and conveniently in a 13″ x 8″ x 2″ polypropylene organizer box with each compartment labeled for contents, reordering information and what the part is used for it can be stored most anywhere and always be ready for use. (NOTE:Both these packs are less the otoscope as there are three approved models to choose from.)

    Model a3747 Mouse Intubation Pack $256.00
    Model a3746 Rat Intubation Pack $327.00


    Model 201a3353 ET Tube 1.27 OD Pack/5 – Blue $33.00
    Model 201a3354 ET Tube 1.22 OD Pack/5 – Orange $33.00
    Model 201a3491 ET tube Introducer $49.00
    Model 201a3589 Mouse specula $40.00
    Model 201a3588 Rat specula $40.00


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    Rodent WorkStand

    The Rodent WorkStand has been developed in collaboration with George A Vogler, D.V.M., DACLAM of Saint Louis University Medical School Department of Comparative Medicine for the express purpose of facilitating various procedures required of today’s laboratory technicians. The Rodent WorkStand is designed to support rats, mice and similar small rodents in a stable and comfortable position for the technician during endotracheal intubation and intratracheal dose instillation and other similar procedures.

    Model a3467 Rodent WorkStand $559.00